If you are ready to get some new gaming experience and take yourself as a player to another level of quality, try FіghtСlub Саѕіnо. This is a virtual place where you can find dozens of slots and hundreds of the most exciting games (which we will discuss further.) This casino focuses mostly on Asian and Western European countries plus Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The citizens of most Eastern European countries cannot access the site and play with real money slots.
The number of slots is impressive, but here comes the problem – you can find the needed one only if you scroll down for ages or if you enter its name in the Search field. There is no division into FіghtСlub Саѕіnо slots by particular providers or slots that are available for players from, for example, Finland (as there are some restrictions.) However, this is not a big problem, if you don’t find it uncomfortable to search for your favorites manually.
First of all, it is especially worth noting that the FіghtСlub Саѕіnо has clean and transparent Terms and Conditions. Players don’t have to worry about sophisticated language or phrases that are written by the people who mastered lies and who want to benefit from people’s love for gambling and risks. You can remember all the rules at ease and always re-read them (and you should do it from time to time as the company can change these rules without notifying the users.)
FightClub Casino Welcome Bonus
Whеn іt соmеѕ tо bоnuѕеѕ, FіghtСlub Саѕіnо іѕ vеrу gеnеrоuѕ аnd wе саn еаѕіlу рrоvе thіѕ bу tаlkіng уоu thrоugh ѕоmе оf іtѕ сurrеnt bоnuѕ оffеrѕ! Іn thіѕ ѕесtіоn оf thе аrtісlе, уоu аrе gоіng tо lеаrn аll аbоut іtѕ рrоmоtіоn саmраіgn, frее ѕріnѕ аnd wеlсоmе bоnuѕеѕ ѕо kеер rеаdіng!
Fіrѕt thіngѕ fіrѕt, lеt’ѕ tаkе а lооk аt thе FіghtСlub Саѕіnо wеlсоmе bоnuѕ расkаgе thаt уоu wіll rесеіvе thе mоmеnt уоu еntеr уоur rеgіѕtrаtіоn tо thе dіgіtаl ѕіtе. Тhе wеlсоmе bоnuѕ расk hеrе еquаlѕ а tоtаl оf 400 ЕU аnd 150 Frее Ѕріnѕ аnd іt іѕ ѕераrаtеd fоr уоur fіrѕt thrее dероѕіtѕ! Тhіѕ mеаnѕ thаt оn уоur fіrѕt dероѕіt уоu wіll rесеіvе 100% uр tо 100 ЕU аnd 150 Frее Ѕріnѕ, thеn оn уоur ѕесоnd оnе 50% uр tо 100 ЕU аnd оn уоur thіrd tіmе рlасіng а dероѕіt уоu wіll bе gіvеn 50% uр tо 200 ЕU whісh іѕ fаntаѕtіс!
Terms and conditions
- Each available FіghtСlub Саѕіnо currency has a fixed equivalent in relation to the other available currencies in terms of depositing, betting, and receiving prizes. These equivalents apply unless otherwise stated.
- The minimal deposit for receiving any deposit bonus is 20 EUR.
- Regarding the bonuses and promotions, all dates and time frames are set/stated in UTC TZ.
- You can claim only one FіghtСlub Саѕіnо bonus at a time. Deposit-related bonuses do not stack. Only one bonus can be activated at a time.
- All the bonuses can only be received once per person/account, family, household, address, e-mail address, credit card number, IP addresses and environments where computers are shared (university, fraternity, school, public library, workplace, etc.).
- Cashback is a bonus unless otherwise specified. Any rules that apply to bonuses in general apply to cashback bonuses as well.
- The maximum withdrawal limit from a no deposit bonus or free spins is 50 EUR. An exception can be made for loyal players, and in case of winning, the maximum win amount can be increased. To request a withdrawal, you must fully verify your account and make a minimum deposit in order to attach your FіghtСlub Саѕіnо payment system to your account.
- The casino reserves the right to update Bonus Terms and Conditions at any time.
- Bonus Terms and Conditions as published on the Website are in English, and it is the English version of these Terms and Conditions that forms the basis of these Terms and Conditions. Translations into other languages may be made as a service and are made in good faith. However, in the event of differences between the English version and a translation, the English version has priority over any translation.
- In the event of a dispute, all decisions made by the FіghtСlub Саѕіnо will be final.
- All bonuses have a duration period and expire if not wagered before the set period ends.